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Leading for a
Community That Works for All

How it works

Happy Circles courses include five weekly sessions that run

approximately 90 minutes each. 


Courses can be done as an in-person group, hybrid in-person and

online, 100% completely online, and/or individually at one’s own pace.


Each class agenda includes:

  • New and Good (something positive each person reports on from the previous week)
  • Discussion of class material

  • Small group discussions of individual SMART goals

      (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timebound)

  • Large group appreciations


Circles of 2 to 5 people each support one another in achieving their SMART goals.​

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Transformational Leadership Classes

Class 1

The Transformational Map

The Transformational Map was designed with funding from the Annie E. Casey Foundation and used to consult hundreds of nonprofit leaders.


It can guide you through the four major stages of any transformational change. While it is not necessary to do the work in alignment with the actual seasons of the year, you can amplify your impact by eventually aligning your activities to the appropriate seasons.

The Eight Steps for Transformational Change

1. Articulate the Vision

5. Train and Support Stakeholders

2. Build a Shared Vision

6. Measure Progress

3. Create a Plan

7. Create New Practices and Policies 

4. Secure Resources

8. Develop the Next Generation of Leaders

Class 2

The Winter

The most important vision is the one that emerges from your personal calling. While there may be a hundred good ideas, one essential idea will emerge that is most worth pursuing. Put aside all the other good ideas and focus on the essential one. If you want to see mountains move, let go of the distractions and focus your attention on your priority.

Class 3

The Spring

As the leader, you must keep your attention on all eight steps of the transformational process as if it were an ongoing meditation.


To build something successful, your circle must include people who love to pay attention to the details of a plan. 

Class 4

The Summer

Transformations require time, talent, and treasure from oneself and others. Timing is crucial. It must be the right idea at the right time


As you pursue your calling, articulating the vision repeatedly, you are building a magnet for resources. You do not need to manipulate anyone into giving you money, time, or talents. 

Class 5

The Fall

Once you start building the new model, everything begins to change
more quickly. People sense that that the

old way is going away, and a new way is appearing.


As the leader you must look at what can be changed in the organization to align with the new model and support the new reality. Programs, policies, procedures, and expectations must all be transformed. The leader continues to support the changes that are necessary to embed the new model into the culture of the organization and the larger ecosystem.

Leaership Bookle

Enter Your Email to Download the Happy Circles Transformational Leadership Booklet! 

Click here to download


Transformational Leadership 

A Framework to End Poverty, How to Tap Your Community’s Wisdom to End Poverty and Thrive

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