The Keys to Happiness
Precious Time
understanding that no one knows how much time he or she has left in life, but it will never be more than 24 hours a day, seven days a week, or 12 months a year. Being mindful of our limited time steers us toward meaningful activity.
Enough Money
having a steady and reliable income that covers basic needs, provides savings for emergencies and large purchases as needed, and gives you enough extra to express yourself and to help others.
Enough Meaning
having a strong sense of one’s personal mission and following it. The root of the word vocation is vocare, which means “to call.” When we follow our calling in life, we have boundless energy, and we feel a consistent enthusiasm to keep going.
Enough Friends
having enough family and friends who put energy into your bucket more often than they take energy out of it. Having a strong connection to one’s family, community, and humanity that consistently shifts your attention from yourself to others. A sense of security that comes from having a community comprised of strong and healthy relationships.
Express Your Fullest Potential
listening to your heart’s desire and giving your all to achieving your unique vision. Understand your strengths, core values, and how best to manage weaknesses. Surround yourself with positive people who will cheer you on as you pursue your gifts, talents, and passions.
The Life Cycle of Change
A Vision for Change
We connect with our deepest core values and explore ideas to bring into the world. Eventually, we discard even the good ideas in favor of pursuing an essential and great idea that will make the most difference.
Commit to Enough
We commit to having enough money, meaning and friends so that we can turn more of our attention to helping others. We align with others who want to make a similar change. We join new groups of people or renew our commitments to current groups. We commit to our essential goal to bring something new into our lives.
Learn to Achieve
We learn how to achieve our essential goal. We develop new skills, improve old ones, and collaborate with others to co-create a new reality.
Embed New Habits
We harvest the results of our transformational work and embed new habits and routines into our lives. We prepare ourselves to return inward and listen for the next calling.
"My happiness comes from doing things that I enjoy to such a degree that I lose track of time while doing them."
-Scott Miller
"Enough Money, Meaning, and Friends"
The Transformational Map
This map can guide you through the four major stages of any transformational change. While it is not necessary to do the work in alignment with the actual seasons of the year, you can amplify your success by eventually aligning your activities to the appropriate seasons.
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Enough Money, Meaning, and Friends
Be Happier and Use Your Precious Time to be an Ally for a
World that Works for Everyone